At NicholsonPham, we provide criminal defense to individuals arrested and accused of property crimes. Depending on the individual nature of the charges, the consequences of being found guilty of property crime in North Carolina include a broad range of penalties, from community service to prison.  Some examples of property related criminal charges might include:

  • Concealment of Goods
  • Larceny
  • Shoplifting
  • Breaking and Entering
  • Theft, Burglary, & Robbery
  • Arson
  • Trespassing
  • Vandalism
  • Defacing Public or Private Property
  • Toxic Dumping
  • Identify Theft
  • Check Forgery and Fraud
  • Employee Theft
  • Embezzlement

Call: (919) 883-4900


Charges of shoplifting can have serious consequences for your future. Convictions can have an immediate impact on your ability to secure and maintain productive employment and can limit your career and educational opportunities substantially.

Unfortunately, adolescents often find themselves entangled in the court system after being charged with shoplifting or concealment of goods. To make it worse, the North Carolina criminal code considers adolescents to be adults at the age of 16 and they can be treated as adults in the criminal court system. We understand young people can lack the necessary judgment to understand the implications of shoplifting or vandalism charge. If you (or a teenager you know) have charged with shoplifting, call our attorneys to talk about how we might be able to keep the charge off a criminal record.


Property crime offenses cover a range of charges from misdemeanors, like breaking and entering, to felonies like obtaining property by false pretenses and embezzlement. The value of the victim’s loss and the type of victim and circumstances surrounding the crime are also key factors in the consequences of a conviction. North Carolina’s laws relative to property crime are intentionally stringent and are meant to be a deterrent. Working with an attorney experienced in the defense of property crime charges in the early stages of the matter is essential. At NicholsonPham, our criminal defense consultations are cost and risk free. Let us talk to you today about your case and how we can help.

White collar crime includes charges like embezzlement, check and credit card fraud and identity theft. An indictment on these charges generally follows a substantial investigation. Many times, an accused person will know they are being investigated

If you are being investigated for or charged with a property crime, early retention of a qualified criminal defense attorney is in your best interest. NicholsonPham’s attorneys work closely with skilled professionals, private investigators and other necessary experts to ensure each and every inconsistency is uncovered and utilized to your advantage.

At NicholsonPham, our attorneys understand the impact a damaged criminal record can cause. In many cases, there are solutions and alternatives available to prosecution, especially for individuals that have no criminal record. Call today and schedule your cost-free consultation with our experienced criminal defense lawyers. Your successful future could depend on it.