Legal Matters
Specific to the
Transgender Community


The attorneys at NicholsonPham provide assistance with the legal issues of the transgender community. We are opposed to legislation, such as HB2, that limits the ability of people to live consistent with their gender identity.  We work with the trans community to assist in aligning legal and gender identity. In fact, one of the first questions we ask every prospective client is to identify their gender pronoun

In the gender alignment journey, trans individuals many need assistance with

  • Name change
  • Gender marker designation change on birth certificates
  • Gender marker designation change on driver’s licenses
  • Gender marker designation change on passports

Trans parents may need assistance with

  • Changing their gender on a child’s birth certificate
  • Challenges to their fitness as a parent based on trans identity

Call: (919) 883-4900




NicholsonPham lawyers can help you change your name. For people born in North Carolina, a name change order will result in an entirely new birth certificate being created at the Vital Records office. For North Carolina residents who were born in other states, a name change order may or may not result in a new birth certificate in your state of birth. Laws vary across the country. We work with colleagues throughout the United States to obtain name changes in other states if permitted.

If you are changing your gender marker, there are additional steps you will need to take, besides changing your name. Currently, NC law allows you to change your gender marker but has one of the strictest standards for doing so in the country.  NC requires that you have a letter from a doctor indicating that you have had surgical sex reassignment. If you were born in North Carolina and you meet the requirements for gender marker designation change, Vital Records will issue a new birth certificate with your correct gender marker. If you were born in another state, you may or may not be able to get a new birth certificate with a correct gender marker.

Gender marker change can be exceptionally difficult for adolescents and young trans people for many reasons.  NicholsonPham has been working to develop strategies to assist young trans people in getting gender marker changes.  Call NicholsonPham for assistance with legal gender change.