Who We Are

We are Durham's most experienced LGBT focused law firm.  We bring decades of advocacy for LGBT and women's rights.  Together, we have tried to respond to issues facing both traditional and LGBT families.



What We Do

Adoption, surrogacy, A.R.T.  divorce and estate planning are the primary services we offer to families and individuals creating them. Our criminal defense practice focuses on ensuring justice to people accused of crimes. And we help non-profits achieve their service goals through compliance and leadership.


Are you ready to make your goal a reality?

Of course you are.  From adoption to indictment, we help you with what is most important.


About Us

We are different and so is our law practice.

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Our Staff

We are passionate advocates.  Meet us.

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Our Services

Our services focus on family challenges.

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Get In Touch

Reach out.  Work with us to meet your goals.

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The NicholsonPham service model places clients first. We know working with an attorney can be intimidating. We know that dealing with the system of justice can be frustrating, time consuming and bewildering.

It’s our job to ease your way through the system, and it’s our goal to meet you where you are.

  • Our attorneys answer clients’ calls whenever they are in the office. Your calls are not screened by the legal assistant. We don’t prioritize calls based on how much you have or could pay. If you’re our client, you’re important. If we’re available, we’ll talk to you.
  • If our attorneys are out of the office, calls are forwarded to them. if at all possible If they are not in court or meeting with other clients, they will answer you.
  • We keep you updated on your case and regularly correspond with you by email, phone, writing and in person.
  • When we communicate with you about your case, we explain your options thoroughly in a language you can understand.

(919) 883-4900

Delivering Value to Our Clients

We are careful not to sacrifice our client’s satisfaction in order to inflate profits generated by the plodding and unproductive practice of law. We achieve this by adopting flat rate billing which eliminates hidden costs, reduces overhead, and streamlines our business. We evaluate every business decision with an eye to ultimate value for our clients.

Reducing Overhead

It may surprise many people to learn that the partners share a single office inside of our building. - one office with two desks, two computers, two people. A bit unusual perhaps but it makes it easy for us to communicate and collaborate instantly on client cases and representation decisions. It’s just one way that we use our workspace and our work habits to benefit our clients.

Much of what clients are charged for at traditional law firms supports the beautiful and costly overhead you see when you walk in the doors: marble floors, silk wall panels, mahogany desks and a full library of books which are seldom used but look impressive. We have reduced our overhead to reduce the costs we must pass on to our clients. NicholsonPham has intentionally chosen a location which satisfies our service model and reflects who we are as individuals and members of the Triangle community.

You won’t find us in a high-rise building in Research Triangle Park, miles away from the courthouse. Our offices are located in a beautiful, old house, built in 1884 and still a major part of the local neighborhood. Here we can meet with clients, create a comfortable professional space for our staff and be a visible and integral part of the ever-changing Central Park section of downtown Durham. We’re less than a quarter of a mile from the Durham courthouse, with public parking and easily located from I-85 and the Durham Freeway.

Our clients tell us that they get a sense of who we are just from walking through the front door. At NicholsonPham, we don’t want to impress you with the silk on our walls or the marble on the floors. We want to impress you with our skills in handling your case.

Flat Rate Billing

Whenever possible, NicholsonPham sets flat rates for our services. Flat rates are beneficial for our clients because you know up front how much representation will cost. Flat rates are good for us because they challenge us to be more efficient with our time while delivering high-quality legal services without sacrificing value. While we aren’t always able to offer flat rates because of the nature of some clients’ cases, we make every effort to give clients flat rates for our services. If you prefer a payment plan, we will work with you.

When we can’t set a flat rate, we set affordable hourly rates and precisely account for them. We will never bill you for golfing trips or spa treatments. If we golf, we pay.

Eliminating Hidden Costs

We don’t nickel and dime you for the occasional photocopy made on our in-house copy machine or for the time our legal assistant spends setting up your file. Our clients typically only pay expenses we incur with third parties, like the Secretary of State, FedEx or the Clerk of Court. If we anticipate extra expenses, like an in-court translator or copying a large medical file, we will discuss that with you first. Occasionally, document fees will be charged for matters that require multiple or voluminous paper copies and you will always know that upfront.

Improving Efficiency with Every Business Decision

We leverage technology to maximize our ability to serve and communicate with our clients. We strive to use paper as little as possible. We use efax, portable document formatting and web-based storage. An additional benefit of our approach is our attorneys can access cases and documents remotely. Each lawyer carries a smartphone and can communicate with clients at any time. We also encourage all clients to communicate with us by email.