The Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) is law that governs the movement of children between states for the purposes of adoption.  It is normally applied whenever someone travels with a child to another state for the purposes of adoption except under limited circumstances like certain relative adoptions. The most common scenario is when an adoptive parent lives in one state and wants to adopt a child who is due to be born in or lives in another state. The state is which the child lives is the child’s home state (sometimes called the sending state) and the state where the adoptive parents live and where the child will be moving is called the receiving state. In order for the adoptive parent to travel back to the state where she lives with the child before the adoption is granted, she must get permission from the ICPC offices of both states.

ICPC is also involved if a family moves out of state, prior to the adoption being finalized. If you are considering adoption in North Carolina and are also looking at a possible move outside North Carolina (for example for a new job), make sure to speak with the attorneys at NicholsonPham.

ICPC adoptions are more expensive than other adoptions because they usually involve two attorneys – one in each state – to navigate the ICPC requirements of each state. Although attorneys are not required, it is helpful to ensure that the process goes smoothly and quickly. Failure to procure the permission of the sending state or receiving state ICPC office could lead to a denial of your adoption petition.  

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